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OpenGTM CRM Schema


The purpose of this guide is to help you understand how OpenGTM define objects, relationships, and fields and how to map your CRM schema to the OpenGTM CRM schema. Keep in mind that we have purposely limited the number of standard fields required and allow you to map any number of other fields to give you greater control over the data used to generate machine learning based analyses and predictions.



A completed sale or future sale of a solution you offer to an entity and/or person with a problem your solution solves. An opportunity can have one account and one contact. Relating multiple contacts will be available soon.


  • Account ID: The identifier known as a foreign key used to relate an account to the sale.

  • Amount: The transaction amount or expected transaction amount whether in recurring revenue or total contract value of the sale. The key here is to be consistent. If you use annual recurring revenue for reporting then the amount should be in ARR.

  • Close Date: The transaction date or expected transaction date of the sale.

  • Contact ID: The identifier known as a foreign key used to relate a primary contact to the sale.

  • Forecast Category: The bucket the amount is assigned to determine how the amount is used in revenue forecasting.

  • Is Closed: A true or false value indicating whether the transaction is expected or closed.

  • Is Won: A true or false value indicating whether the transaction has been completed successfully.

  • Lead Source: The primary source attributed for bringing about the sale.

  • Name: A name used to identify the sale.

  • Stage: The status of a sale or stage in a sales cycle used to determine a prospect is at in their buying journey.

  • Type: The category of revenue that identifies where the customer is at in their journey with the business.

  • Territory: The sales area or segment this sale has been assigned.


The purchasing entity or person. An account can have many contacts and opportunities.


  • Name: The name of the entity or person purchasing.

  • Industry: The segment of business this entity or person is in.

  • City: The city where this entity or person resides.

  • State: The state where this entity or person resides.

  • Employee Count: The number of employees apart of this entity, if an entity.

  • Annual Revenue: The annual revenue made by this entity, if an entity.


A person involved in a purchase. A contact can have one account and many opportunities.


  • Account ID: The identifier known as a foreign key used to relate an account to a contact.

  • Name: The name of the person.

  • Email: The email of the person.

  • Phone Number: The phone number of the person.

  • Job Title: The job title the person holds at the related account, if an entity.


An interested person in a solution you offer where the goal is to determine if your solution fits the problem the person is looking to solve, and if their timeline and budget fit the expectations of your business.


  • Name: The name of the interested person.

  • Status: A value used to determine where an interested person is at in the sales vetting process.

  • Title: The job title held by the interested person at the associated company.

  • Email: The email of the interested person.

  • Phone Number: The phone number of the interested person.

  • Lead Source: The primary source attributed for finding this interested person.

  • Company Name: The name of the company this interested person works for, if selling to businesses.

  • Industry: The segment of business this entity or person is in.

  • Employee Count: The number of employees apart of this entity, if an entity.

  • Annual Revenue: The annual revenue made by this entity, if an entity.

  • Website: The website of the entity or person.

  • Converted Date: The date where you determined that your solution fits the problem the person is looking to solve, and their timeline and budget fit the expectations of your business.

  • Is Converted: A true or false value indicating whether you have determined that your solution fits the problem the person is looking to solve, and their timeline and budget fit the expectations of your business.

  • Territory: The sales area or segment this person or entity has been assigned.